Find a PA for Your Every Care Need

Join the thousands of people using our website everyday to find, meet & hire their Personal Care Assistants

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Why do Our Customers Trust Us?

UKCIL puts you in control

We'll take care of the admin, making it quick and easy for you to find your perfect PA


Minutes to sign up


First application within 48hrs


Applications on average


Days to hire

Average results from from Jan-2021 to March-2021. Your personal results may vary.

Employer Testimonials
  • My son has severe autism and has to have 24/7 care with a team of more than 10 people. UKCIL allows us to recruit for all those positions we need, all year, for one low fee which is covered by our local authority. It's incredible value for money.

    Rita, Headingly


  • With agencies in the past, I've had difficulty finding the right assistants and a lack of control. With UKCIL, when I am advertising, there is somebody overseeing the process and checking on how I am getting on so I do not feel on my own. Another benefit is being able to open and close my advert as many times as I need to in a year at no extra cost.

    Therese, Chelmsford


  • I was doubtful whether UKCIL would work because I'd had no luck finding personal care assistants through my local PA agencies and I'd not heard of UKCIL before. But, after using UKCIL, I'm pleased to say, I've had a flurry of applications and the UKCIL team were always on hand to help if needed.

    Sharon, West Bromwich


  • The UKCIL website is my favourite website for finding a personal care assistant. It is a lot better than a standard job site as it’s clearly more focused on the area that I am interested in.

    Will, Yeadon


  • I have found the site easy to use, thought the invite-a-candidate feature to be good. I have employed / am in the process of employing two people to cover sick and holiday leave. I wouldn’t hesitate using it again.

    Lorraine, Durham


  • The customer service team have been excellent, responding to emails and phone calls promptly, giving good insights into the system and taking on board constructive suggestions. I believe going forward it offers more relevant applications and as familiarity with the functionality of the site increases it can only offer applicants and employers a more worthwhile experience. I’ve been recommending UKCIL to others looking for PA carers.

    Christopher, Durham


  • I found UKCIL very user-friendly and easy to use. It made finding a PA very easy and was a great way to advertise, shortlist, interview and employ a PA.

    Benjamin, Kingston


Meet Some of Our PAs

Our Care Assistants come from all over the UK and they make the effort to tell you who they are. We are confident that you won’t find it hard to meet the right person with UKCIL

Joanne R


Over 20 years experience

Child Personal Care

Moving & Handling

Autism Care

John P


11 years experience

Pallative Care

Own Transport

Peg/Stoma Experience

Eliani S


One year's experience

Health & nutrition

Domestic Care


Lisa H


8 years experience

Dementia Care

Night Manager

Own Transport

Desmond C


Over 2 years experience



Own Transport

Courtney A


Just starting out

Meal Preparation

Personal Care

Remaining independent

Glenn H


Just starting out

Fitness Coach

Own transport

First Aid

Aisha M


Family Care

Livid Experience

Dementia Care

Personal Care

Four Easy Steps
Share Your Care Needs
Easily outline what help you’re looking for, where and when

Browse PA Profiles
With av. 11 applications per role, you choose who you want to connect with
Connect with PAs
Safely arrange, meet and interview suitable PAs

Hire the Right PA
Use our employment contracts & help tools to hire with confidence

What Kind of Support are You Looking for?
Our Customers

© UKCIL Ltd. | All rights reserved. | Company No. 11403726 | Registered Address. Ingleby House, 11-14 Cannon Street, Birmingham, B2 5EN | VAT no. GB 320 0545 59